Making our own downtown fun - Saturday Feb. 3rd: who needs $10 movie tickets and $40 dinners? Join a mass of fun people for a huge game of manhunt.
Meet at the Robson St. Art Gallery steps at 4:00pm. Look for orange and blue ties flittering in the air, and us, with orange ties on our arms.
For those of you who don’t know what ManHunt is, here’s a definition: Fun ass game that brings chaos and randomness to a whole city in which a few people start out as "its" and count to 20 while the other players run away into the designated number of blocks/urban boundaries. The ‘its’ then hunt them and try to catch and hold on to them while saying "Manhunt 1-2-3" three times. If you succeed in this, the person who you caught is now "it" with you and has to help you catch the remaining free players. Game continues until everyone is caught. Also known as "Ringo" in some circles. There is also a more capture the flagish version which has a prison and teams of “ITs” and Tagees. We’ll take a vote to decide on which version to play when we’re all there.
Please email to confirm attendance so we have an idea of the numbers we’ll have to provide for. Or just bring an orange and blue arm band tie. We’ve already got 30 people showing up and it hasn’t even been announced publicly!
For Fun, For Community, For A New World.
Added by spiralhandshake on January 31, 2007
Looking like rain cancellation but I'll be there so if you been jonesin' like I have for a good game of Manhunt I'll see you there.