On Monday, June 9th, at 7:00 p.m., the Manhattan Libertarian Party will hold a nominating convention to endorse its candidates for the 2008 general election. All seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives, the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly may be contested. We are authorized to endorse Libertarian candidates for all the races in Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island.
To vote at our nominating convention, you must be a member in good standing of the Manhattan Libertarian Party. You can join or renew your membership at http://www.manhattanlp.org/join.htm.
If you are interested in running for office and would like to know more about what's involved, please contact our chairman Ron Moore at ron@manhattanlp.org.
Immediately following the conclusion of our nominating convention, we will be screening the movie "The Call of the Entrepreneur." This provocative film tells the story of three entrepreneurs: a failing dairy farmer, a merchant banker, and a refugee from Communist China.
Reverend Robert Sirico, author of The Entrepreneurial Vocation, joins Michael Novak, George Gilder and other experts in exploring how entrepreneurs shape our world.
View the trailer at: http://calloftheentrepreneur.org/trailer/
Official Website: http://www.manhattanlp.org
Added by lesczynski on May 20, 2008