2226 Switzer Road
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

Mandatory Pre-Nursing Orientation*
September 20, 2010, Monday
Jefferson Davis Campus
Room G121 – 9 a.m.
Jefferson Davis Campus
2226 Switzer Road
Gulfport, MS 39507

Advance Registration for Mandatory Pre-Nursing Orientation session required via email to pamela.farmer@mgccc.edu. Please include name, college M number, and primary telephone number.

So you want to be a Nurse! It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3….
1. Register for and attend a Mandatory Pre-Nursing Orientation session prior to submitting application.

2. Fulfill pre-nursing admission requirements (to be provided during Pre-Nursing Orientation session).

3. Meet with nursing and allied health counselor at the college location of your choice to complete required paperwork for submission to the nursing department chairperson. DEADLINE FOR SPRING APPLICATION –NOVEMBER 1, 2010.

……and await notification of acceptance.
*2 Mandatory Pre-Nursing Orientation sessions will be offered in October prior to the November 1 application deadline. Complete details of future sessions will be available by September 20.

Official Website: http://www.mgccc.edu

Added by mgccc on September 10, 2010

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