OK Good people of Manchester - the next installment of the ongoing saga of Manchester Flickr Meets has been agreed.
It will be SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 14TH starting around 1pm at Font Bar, New Wakefield St.
Some photos may get taken, some alcohol may get drunk, some geese may get wrestled. One thing is certain - stories will be generated - the likes of which you will one day tell your grandchildren.
More details will be posted nearer the time - but whatever was previously in your diary - cancel it now.
Oh and Gene, wear your special pants - I'm ready for 2nd base - are you?
Official Website: http://flickr.com/groups/manchesteruk/discuss/72157606371991797/
Added by Mr Dayglo on July 25, 2008
good lord...
If the goose wrestling's confirmed, I'll be there!
I probably will be able to come down...let you all know nearer the time ;)
Shocked and appalled - but can't wait!