2nd Floor, 85 Clerkenwell Road
London, England EC1R 5AR

Where is your organisation in terms of capability maturity?
• Unplanned – Uncontrolled experimentation with limited integration.
• Diffuse management – A more structured approach in some areas.
• Centralised management – Organisation level objectives and control.
• Decentralised operations – Execution integrated with marketing activities.
• Integrated and optimised – A refined approach to optimization
• Why is knowing where you are critical?
• How can you plot where you are, and where you are heading?

What functions does a digital team perform?
• Strategy and planning – On-Line Value Proposotion, Channel integration, analytics
• Customer acquisition – Search, Affiliates, Display Ad’s, PR etc
• Customer conversion – Web log-in, email, SMS
• Customer retention – Web personalisation, email, SMS, loyalty
• Web content and design – usability
• Operational management – back-end mgt (warehouse, stock mgt etc)
• Central IT/Technology – web hosting, security, Content Mgt system

In-house or out-sourced – how do you decide?
• Organisational out-sourcing philosophy
• Wilingness to invest and carry staffing fixed costs
• Ability to recruit and train staff
• Skills needed to manage a process through third party partners

Where should a digital team sit in an organisation?
• Part of Marketing
• Part of IT
• Separate E-Commerce Team
• Part of Direct Sales/Channels

What should the structure of an e-commerce team be?
• Customer lifecycle-based
• Functionally-based
• Direct-channel-based

Who are the key players in a digital team?
• Senior Management
• Acquisition Management and Specialists
• Conversion Management and Specialists
• Retention Management and Specialists
• Technical Management and Specialists

What skills does a digital team need?
• Marketing strategy and planning
• Analytical
• Project Management
• IT Technical
• Inspiring staff and building a team

Who manages the Digital Team’s Corporate Interface
• With IT?
• With Senior Management?
• With off-line marketing?
• Some blindspots and how to avoid them

Training and development – skills audits and gap analysis
• What skills are required of managers?
• How can specialist stay ahead of the game?
• Learning resources – training, seminars, magazines, qualifications
• How good do you need to be today, and in 12 months time?

David Hughes runs an independent digital marketing consultancy, Non-Line Marketing, and has over 8 years experience of email and internet marketing. His training and consultancy areas of specialisation include on-line data gathering, developing email marketing communication programmes and integrating email marketing with traditional direct marketing channels.

For the past 5 years he has been a Strategic Consultant with Emailvision, a pan European email technology provider, helping client and agency partners with the strategic, technical and operational issues affecting email campaign success. He works with companies such as Telegraph, Kangol, Institute of Directors and 3M and has experience of email in both the BtoB and BtoC sectors. David is also the Director of the Tank! On-Line Marketing Action Group, delivering thought leadership programmes for the client marketing community and is author of the DMA UK Email Marketing Benchmarking Quarterly Report. He is a regular speaker for the Institute of Direct Marketing and the DMA on email marketing issues.

David spent 7 years at Claritas (now Acxiom) as the European Data Acquisition Manager generating over 8 million survey responses on and off-line per year across 7 countries. The off-line, high volume direct mail experience allows him to apply direct marketing techniques to email marketing programmes.

Official Website: http://www.e-consultancy.com/knowledge/events/1331/managing-digital-teams--afternoon--london.html

Added by training on February 28, 2007



If I'm in town, I'll definitely be there!


Sounds Good. I am going to do everything in my power to be there.And i have a lot of power.




If only Phoenix were in New York.


masto: We can party in New York anytime!


I have to work, but I will try to make it afterwards. It seems like an interesting site.


sounds like fun!


tchapin: RSVP RSVP!


Alright, I have cleared it. It will be a busy month with all the driving back and forth between this and Podcamp AZ, but i think it will be good.

Clintus McGintus

Damn, I'll be out of town this weekend. So pissed to miss this!


Wow, this is going to be fun!


In my town i make it out like viddler is the biggest thing nobody has heard of. So when i say that I am meeting the viddler guys they get all excited for me. There's going to be a parade about it on Saturday morning when i get back.


Can someone create a group on here relating to Viddler events? Therefore, one can join the group and keep track of it here.

Clintus McGintus

wish I could have made this. Any plans on coming back around?