The generation gap has become the generation chasm, with four generations coexisting in today's workforce -- Seniors, Boomers, Generation X'ers, and Millennials. Each generation has different work styles, values and expectations that HR and line managers must understand in order to recruit, retain, build intergenerational teams, and communicate effectively across the generations.
At the same time, team members must understand how to work effectively with their colleagues to achieve personal and organizational goals. Leave this workshop with concrete strategies you can use immediately to:
Adapt HR systems - onboarding, benefits, rewards, etc. - to appeal across the generations;
Identify core strengths of different generational team members;
Leverage the diversity of unique strengths despite work style differences
About the Presenter
Barbara Miller has thirty years of experience consulting to private, public and nonprofit organizations. A few recent clients include: Hewlett Packard, Twitter and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Barbara has taught organizational theory and change management at the University of San Francisco's Master's Degree program and at UC Berkeley Extension and Dominican University. She has authored a workbook, ReInventing Work: Innovative Strategies Relinking Life and Livelihood to Benefit Business and Staff. This workbook has been published in Hebrew and Japanese and can be purchased at
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 29, 2011