Mana I Ka Leo (Power of the Voice) is a film that examines oli, the Hawaiian tradition of chant through the eyes of three contemporary practitioners who have dedicated much of their lives to preserving and perpetuating the voices and words of their kupuna. It takes the audience on a visual journey through some of the most majestic locations in Hawaii as you become mesmerized by the power of the words. You don’t need to know what they mean; you will feel the chanters’ emotion and be moved by it.
The film features Hokulani Holt from Maui; she spends the end of her day in Makena conversing with the setting sun. Dr. Kamana`opono Crabbe from the island of O`ahu shares how oli has helped him understand the Hawaiian worldview before Western influence and why it’s important that he continues to pass on this knowledge today.
USA | 2010 | 28 minutes | English with Hawaiian chants
Official Website:
Added by NatGeoLive on August 30, 2011