1226 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Marriage, murder and the mob all play part in this hysterical murder-mystery musical. Set in a famous restaurant in Little Italy, New York's notorious crime family, The Tortellinis, have just married off their only daughter. To celebrate the union, they have invited the other controlling families of New York (you the audience!) to a wedding reception. When a member of the wedding party ends up dead, it’s up to the audience to solve this hysterical mystery after you sit back and enjoy a delicious meal at Spaghetti Warehouse!

The cast of characters is headed by Don Tortellini, who has angered quite a few people during his lifetime. Mama Tortellini is fed up with her husband's mistresses and eating habits. Only son Tony "The Tool" Tortellini is not interested in the family business and has a surprising career choice of his own. Isabella Tortellini-Souffle’ just got married and has no idea where her husband has disappeared to and can only blame her father; World famous movie star and crooner Vino Siciliano, is having financial problems due to alcohol, gambling and women, but his Godfather isn't ready to help him out of his latest mess; and Mandy Manicotti, the Don's favorite mistress, is ready for blackmail, but is a few meatballs short of a spaghetti dinner. .

Official Website: http://www.cameocenter.com/mammamia2012/index.html

Added by cameodave on January 26, 2012