The Malaya Center for Health and Healing is having our four-year anniversary celebration! Stop by for free massages, readings, healings, bodywork, health assesments & presentations with 15 of our wellness practitioners.
Free Presentation Schedule:
11:30am - Nutritional Supplements 101 w/Leah Vachani, CNC
12:00pm - Your Posture & Chronic Muscle Problems w/Tod Peterson, CMT
12:30pm - Reiki's Benefits w/Linda Nolen, Reiki Master
1:00pm - Introduction to Chinese Medicine w/Rose Tan Knight, LAc
1:30pm - Instant Stress Reduction with Lasting Results w/James Welsh, Wellness Practitioner
2:00pm - Intro to Rosen Method w/Pamela Seawell, Rosen Bodyworker
Malaya Center for Health and Healing is a community of independent wellness professionals committed to providing the utmost care to their clients and patients.
We empower our clients with knowledge and compassionate support from the first steps of emotional freedom to creating and maintaining wellness lifestyles.
No charge
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 29, 2009