1214 1st Ave
Seattle, Washington 98101

The paints resemble sounds. Very colorful they crawl out of their shelters - jars, boxes, small and large tubes - and scream in different voices when trying to assume possession of the biggest possible territory or if it is impossible to do so, at least to fix their presence with a tone or half tone. Major and minor notes of the colors spill on the coarse palette, canvas, easel, floor and also hands, legs, ears and nose. A chaotic mystery of colors is either drawn up into a classical symphony or sounds like jazz. Sometimes it does not follow any order at all. Yes, it is a tremendous work... And it is the Artist, a conductor of paints, self-sacrificing, modest and invisible worker. A little god...

Official Website: http://www.rewelch.com

Added by rewelch.seattle on November 2, 2010

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