"Making, Breaking, & Selling Rec." Industry Mixer and "Making of an Artist CompetitionWraps UpOctober 7th, 2009 @ 6pm * Location TBA *Celebrity Guest Panel *Media Corner *Performance & Promotional Opportunities *Networking Mixer *Listening Lounge * Feature Artist *****One Artist will be selected to receive a Marketing Deal up to $25,000 from MIDSOUTHMKT and its Affiliates. For SubmissionDetails, Advertising Exchange, & Performance Info: MIDSOUTHMKT (770) 882-5135 *
http://midsouthmkt7.eventbrite.com * www.myspace.com/midsouthmkt*
FOR REGISTRATION, VIP, SPONSORSHIP, & PRODUCT PLACEMENT IN GIFT BAGS CALL 770.882.5135 all artists, judges, panelist, & celebrity guestreceive exclusive vip passes and gift bags! EMAIL YOUR CONTACT AND CREDENTIALS ASAP.
Organized by MIDSOUTHMKT
With a New Year here and a NewPresident,it's time for New Music, New Artist, New Friends, and New Business. MIDSOUTH MKT and its Affiliates areLooking and Listening forNew Clientsto BRAND, PROMOTE, and OVER EXPOSE in Untapped Markets for 2009.We provideConsulting, Development, Feedback, Marketing,Branding, Booking, Management, Publishing, Articles, Commercials, Interviews, Promotions, and Performance Opportunities to Professional and Serious Individuals and Businesses. We can help you Get your Business in Order, Create a Business Plan, Build an Industry Profile, and more for less than you think.Call today to speakwith aMKT Consultant(770) 882-5135
Ticket Info: Official Registration & Submision Fee, $25.00
Official Website: http://midsouthmkt7-upcoming.eventbrite.com