1104 S. Wabash, 8th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60605

The Making Media Connections conference is designed for nonprofit communicators: volunteers and staff who are responsible for telling their group’s story, through the news media or other channels.

We bring them together with journalists looking for stories ‘off the beaten path’ and invite these sets of people to join in a dialogue on how to produce news that matters.

Register Today @ http://www.communitymediaworkshop.org/mmc2010 or 312-369-6400

Scholarships available for individuals at nonprofit organization's with budgets of $100,000 or less. Contact Lovette for inquiries at lovette@newstips.org

Find out more about the conference: http://www.communitymediaworkshop.org/mmc2010

Sign up before April 30 and get a 20% discount on the Making Media Connections conference.

Added by Diana2008 on March 15, 2010

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