Join Steve Kessler, the Denver Dataman, as he presents this class on the basics of email, including providers like MSN, Google and Yahoo.
We will also have a chance to discuss other topics that you would like to cover in classes presented by the Denver Dataman.
If you have a laptop, please bring it.
About the Denver Dataman
Denver DataMan has the training and the solutions for your computer needs! Denver DataMan can help you with questions like:
How do I use Microsoft Office more efficiently?
What is spyware and how do I prevent it?
How do I edit my website?
How do I get my staff trained on our sales application?
How to Contact the Denver Dataman
Steve Kessler
303-731-5978 (office)
303-587-4428 (cell)
Time: 10:30am - 12:30am
Fee: $10.00 for Nonprofits
$15.00 for all others
Contact: Steve Kessler
Benefiting: KidsTek
Official Website:
Added by coloradoconnector on June 26, 2007