Everywhere you go, online or off, you need a bio that sells you. Your LinkedIn profile. Your website's "About" page. The author box at the end of articles you publish. Your speaker introduction. (What? You don't have one? Do you want to leave the first thing your audience hears about you to chance?)
Making yourself sound like the rock star you really are is an art form. You have to walk a fine line between not saying enough (being too modest doesn't help) and being obnoxious (too much ego is a turn-off, too). The online presence and the unique brand you project are especially important if you work independently and don't have the reputation of a big firm behind you.
At the June BACN meeting, professional freelance writer Dena Kouremetis lends her expertise on how to write about yourself online as if you were your own PR firm, and goes on to explain the types of business blogs that brand you as a consummate professional. Learn how to be "on message" and highlight your expertise consistently to create that "top of mind" awareness all small business owners strive for.
By the end of this meeting you will:
* Develop the core of a terrific bio with a personal quote.
* Learn to write snappy headlines for articles and blog posts.
* Discover the secret of keeping readers engaged.
* Know what to look for in a freelance writer.
About the Speaker
Since her debut as a Sacramento Bee columnist back in 1997, Dena Kouremetis has been tapping the keys as a journalist, author, and freelance writer. She has written copy and content for PR firms, web site owners, magazines, newspapers, and small and large business owners alike. Her writing has appeared publications all across the country. These days Dena helps businesses by ghostwriting or editing their blogs and newsletters, creating hard-hitting web site content. Find out more at www.communic8or.com.
Official Website: http://BACNetwork.com
Added by FullCalendar on June 10, 2012