Our Military Ministry’s goal is to provide spiritual support to our military families, who have loved ones currently deployed and to always remember those who are giving and have given so much of themselves through their unselfish service to our country. Please help with these opportunities to make their holidays a little happier.
Collecting Holiday Stocking and Stocking Stuffers for our Troops
Drop your gifts for our troops in the collection box in the Commons over the Oct. 6/7 weekend. Great gift ideas include Mechanical Pencils, packs of AA or AAA Batteries, wrapped Mints and Christmas Candy, Candy Canes, Individually wrapped Beef Jerky and Slim Jims, New CD’s and DVDs, Individual bags of nuts, Individually wrapped Twizzlers, Beanie Babies/Small Toys such as Yo-Yo’s, etc., iTunes Gift Cards, Small Crossword or other Puzzle Books, Thank you letter(s), colored picture/holiday card addressed to a service person and Stockings (Bought or sewn – we have a pattern should anyone have an interest)
Letter Writing
Please show your support by writing to our Military Men and Women on Sunday, October 14 in the Gym from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
Hour of Silent Prayer
Please, devote an hour with us to pray for those who wear our uniforms. Come on Friday, October 20 to pray in the St. Mary Immaculate Adoration Chapel at 6:00pm.
For further information, please contact Maria Prekop, 312-259-6851, email maria.prekop@navigant.com or Donna Hoban at 815-254-0622, email hobans@sbcglobal.net.
St. Mary Immaculate Parish is located at 15629 S. Route 59 in Plainfield. For more information, visit www.smip.org or call 815-436-2651.
Added by debachtel on September 19, 2012