The special event on Jan 18th at the Hyatt Dublin will feature a Real Estate Expert with over 20 years experience who has been successfully investing in properties and has helped numerous investors profit from the incredible opportunities available right now. In addition to educating investors he will show some of the choice properties available for investment in the bay area.
Rents are rising sharply and prices are at an all time low making 2012 the best time to make great returns investing in single family homes and multi family units for positive cash flow each time, right here in your own backyard in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Discover the Top 10 Money Making Opportunities in Real Estate for 2012! Find out how to determine which is the right one for you. Learn negotiating strategies to get an upper hand in Real Estate Investment.
Learn from Farooq Khan a Real Estate Broker, Investor, and Certified Distress Property Expert who has over 20 years experience in Real Estate. He teaches real estate investment strategies at events all over the bay area on how to properly and safely buy distressed properties at a discount, repair the properties, and either hold them or turn around and sell them for profit.
If you are looking to prosper and invest Safely in Real Estate attend the event on Jan 18th.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 12, 2012