Make Your Website WORK For You
Is the web working as hard as it can to help you attract the right customers, serve customers, boost awareness, connect and sell?
This super Sunday seminar was crafted by Lorrie Thomas, Marketing Therapist and UCSB/Berkley Professor as a way to offer strategic solutions to web marketing challenges.
In these challenging economic times, its important for women get creative with their business and marketing ideas. By tapping the power of the web, professionals can employ many low-cost/no-cost/DIY marketing strategies to help them build awareness and credibility, while creating connections and SELLING the heck out of their products and services. Professor Lorrie Thomas.
According to the Center for Womens Business Research (
http://www.cfwbr.org/), there are currently 10.1 million firms owned by women, employing more than 13 million people, and generating $1.9 trillion in sales as of 2008. Over 75% of the US population is online and over 90% start looking for products, services and information via the search engines
Web Marketing Intensive:
Get Web Savvy and Make Your Website WORK For You
This seminar will cover:
Low cost ways to get free search visibility
How a woman's unique assets offer an edge with web marketing
How to generate low cost PR in your pajamas!
How to get found in search engines; it's an art and a science
How to use social media to boost your business
How a holistic approach to marketing = maximum return on investment
We do not plan to fail, we fail to plan.how to craft web marketing strategy
How to find your inner wild web woman via your values and voice
You will leave this event with:
Fresh ideas and options to boost business using web marketing
No-cost/low-cost web marketing tools that can empower your organization
New ways to think about marketing
A foundation that any professional can launch no matter where they are with marketing
Expert advice from a recognized speaker, teacher and web writer
Get armed and dangerous put the web to work to support and grow your business! Over 75% of the US population is online, 90% use e-mail and almost 90% using search engines to find products, services or informationnew communication trends = new rules and tools for marketing.
An understanding of meaningful marketing
Ways to get your marketing healthy to get wealthy!
About Lorrie:
Lorrie Thomas' professional purpose is empowering professionals so they implement marketing that matters. Lorrie shares her expertise by speaking, writing, teaching and advising select clients. She takes her work personally and her passion for her profession is contagious.
Lorrie leads Web Marketing Therapy, a ten-person "wild web woman" web marketing agency that helps small businesses get BIG with web marketing. She teaches Web Marketing Applications, Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Marketing Applications classes at UCSB Extension and UC Berkeley Extension.
Ms. Thomas was on the founding team at ValueClick Media. She speaks nationally on a number of marketing-related topics and caters her presentations to the business, niche, skill sets and professional concerns of her attendees. Speaking topics include: Web Marketing, Blogging for Business, Social Media Savvy, Online Advertising, Marketing: Redefined, Search Engine Marketing and Developing, Web Marketing Strategy.
Her agency donates 1% of gross sales to 1% for the planet, a network of more than 1,500 environmental organizations worldwide.
www.lorriethomas.com and
*Check in begins at 10:30am
** Afternoon snack provided!
Organized by SMARTY
Brought to you by SMARTY
Ticket Info: General, $49.00
Official Website: http://majormarketingguru-upcoming.eventbrite.com