The key to revitalizing neighborhood commercial corridors and retail districts is to re-imagine them as a series of dynamic linked destinations, managed as a whole.
By working on enhancing Placemaking elements – Amenities and Image, Access and Linkages, Uses and Activities, and Sociability - Main Streets can function as true centers of their communities while serving the needs of local residents.
Examples will be presented of downtown neighborhood main streets that have turned themselves around by reorienting around the notion of “Place.”
Cynthia Nikitin is a Vice President of Project for Public Spaces, Inc . in New York. PPS is an international non-profit organization that creates the public spaces that build and sustain communities.
Cynthia Nikitin has earned a reputation as a persuasive advocate for “Placemaking” as an approach to city planning and urban design. As a manager of numerous large-scale and complex projects during her fifteen years with Project for Public Spaces, Inc., where she is Vice President for Public Buildings and Downtowns, she has striven to serve as a compelling voice in support of more sustainable towns and cities nation-wide. With a portfolio of more than 150 projects, Cynthia's technical expertise stretches from the development of downtown main street master plans and corridor enhancement projects, to the creation of transit station area plans, and public art master plans for major cities.
Forest Hill Church
3031 Monticello Blvd. at Lee
Cleveland Heights.
FREE and open to the public.
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