444 Crosshaven
Crosshaven, Cork

Join us for an Introduction to Hawaiian Mysticism & Healing work, with Jody Mountain of Maui, Hawai'i.

'Maika'ike' means 'The Strength of the Knowledge'. This work clears old trauma, limitation, dis-ease and withholding in the body, mind and spirit, and creates more vitality, well-being, connection and awareness in our lives.

As we work with these ancient technques, you will often feel rushes of energy in the form of tingling, heat, vibration, and others, as your system becomes free, and your original pure vitality comes back. Light and energy, previously trapped, is released in our cells, bringing us back to full and vibrant health. The right and left hemispheres of the brain become fully balanced, and the skin begins to glow. These changes in your body / mind / spirit are permanent.

Participants may attend by the day, or by the full workshop.

Please visit: http://lomilominui.net
Contact Grace O'Riordan at 00353 (0)87 7833793 or lomilominuieurope@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.lomilominui.net

Added by kalodance on March 23, 2011

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