Organizations are collections of individuals and groups working to achieve outcomes which benefit the enterprise as well as those within it. Those organizations that do it best are those that have learned how to think together effectively. Diversity, at its core level, is really about differences in how we think, reason, resolve issues and make decisions. In this session, Jim will define the model and the diagnostic process that he has successfully applied for many years to develop individuals, coach executives, develop teams and increase engagement in organizations from Fortune 500 companies to small family owned businesses.
In this session you will:
• Learn about the power of whole brain thinking
• Identify your own thinking pattern
• Discover the thinking patterns of others in ABWA
• Learn to apply whole brain thinking to expanding positive thought
• Develop a “first step” plan to apply to your own work
6 p.m. Networking - 6:30 p.m. Dinner Meeting
(dinner at your own cost)
Make your reservation online at
by Thursday, February 14 or call Shannon Harris at 734-755-0575
Maia Chapter meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month
For more information about ABWA, visit
Official Website:
Added by Keta Dosti on December 19, 2012