Magnolia, creator of the open source content management system (CMS) has announced its first ever ‘Magnolia Amplify’ event.
Program Highlights For Magnolia Amplify Miami 2013
● Exclusive Beta release, demonstration & workshop for upcoming Magnolia CMS 5.0
● How to integrate Spring-based applications using the Blossom module
● Building and maintaining a Magnolia high performance environment
● And many more presentations
The event will be an intensive three-day get together for existing customers and partners who wish to sharpen their Magnolia skills via a series of focused presentations and workshops.
For the first two days of the event, Magnolia is bringing together senior subject matter experts from the the Magnolia staff to lead presentations on a number of topics including application integration, the Magnolia Standard Templating Kit (STK) and implementation best practices. This will be an opportunity for event attendees to hear from the utmost Magnolia authorities.
The third day is optional, and hugely valuable for those that want to participate in active-learning workshops. 4 x 6-hour workshops will be held on March 8th. Each workshop will be run by a Magnolia employee, focused on a discrete area of development and limited to 6 attendees.
For more information on the event, please visit:
Added by Corinna Rogers on December 17, 2012