2333 NW Vaughn Street
Portland, Oregon

"Become So Magnetically Attractive To Clients That They Practically Show Up With Their Credit Card Out and Ready To Start Working With You..."

"Here's How To Get a Flood of New Client Referrals, Pick Up More Clients, & Build a Large Following..."
I'd like to share with you the #1 Secret to becoming a Client Magnet.
You see, your services are one of the most VALUABLE services available on Earth.
But, if that's true, why do so many small business owners and entrepreneurs struggle to get clients? The reason is because it's not their services that are so valuable... it's the RESULTS that their services help people achieve that are so valuable.
If you could do 1 thing differently that would make you 10 to 1,000 times more magnetically attractive to clients, it would be to focus on RESULTS.
Stop "pushing" your services onto people and start "enticing" people to talk to you about a SPECIFIC RESULT and how you can help them achieve it.

Introducing the "Magnetic Client Attraction" Workshop...

At this powerful 3 hour event you will...

*Identify the "language" of clients (once you know their language, you can start speaking it and you'll start attracting clients like never before)
*Discover the 4 step formula for communicating with people in a way that turns them into potential clients that want to talk to you and hire you
*Learn exactly what to say to people that will get them to tell you things like... "You're exactly what I need. I've been looking for someone like you all my life. Would you be willing to work with me?"

Investment: $47 "early bird" pricing (regular $97 after March 18th)

Register online: at www.GetMoreClientsPDX.com or
Email deanna@GetMoreClientsPDX.com or
Call 503-922-2688 and ask about special membership pricing.

Important Note: There are only 35 seats available for this workshop.
If you'd like to attend, register immediately.

$47 Early Bird, $97 Regular.

Official Website: http://www.getmoreclientspdx.com

Added by FullCalendar on March 9, 2009

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