6516 Ferguson St - Broad RIpple
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

Magical History Tour Beatles Exhibition
Thomas J. Fontaine Collection
July 24, 2010
$10 advance, $15.00 at the door

Today is your BIRTHDAY! Mother Nature's Sun is turning ONE in July and we are going to celebrate all month! Of course we couldn't celebrate without having another Beatles Exhibit! If you missed the exhibit in February (see below), you are in luck! And for those who did attend, this is a brand new exhibition not to be missed!

Join us for a Magical Tour of Beatles history! Currently exhibiting at the Rockstars, Cars and Guitars at the Children's Museum, Tom Fontaine has graciously agreed to come back and show us MORE of his amazing Beatles collection! Some items he will be showing (and all for sale):

* Handwritten lyrics
* Personal/stage clothing worn by the Fab 4
* Autographed items signed by all 4 Beatles and individually
* Movie Memorabilia
* and MUCH MORE!

Tickets are $10 in advance and $15.00 at the door

Let it Be RAW
To kickoff the weekend, on July 23, we will have a "Let it Be RAW" with Audrey Barron showing some great recipes inspired by some great Beatles songs! After the class, enjoy some Beatles music with local musicians and maybe a sneak preview of the Exhibition :)

Official Website: http://www.mothernaturesun.com

Added by MotherNaturesSun on June 28, 2010

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