In an awe-inspiring display of yuletide joy, the Magical Christmas Caroling Truck will present a live caroling show and parade in Downtown Burbank. Winding through festive shopping streets and spreading happiness with Christmas carols and holiday songs, it will light up the night with thousands of twinkling lights. A surefire hit for all the family and a truly unique local tradition, the Magical Christmas Caroling Truck will serenade shoppers and delight crowds with seasonal classics.
Consisting of a sixty foot 18-wheeler and supported by a 6,000 watt state-of-the-art sound system, this flamboyant traveling show includes a block long entourage with a carriage for Frosty the Snowman and other transformed vehicles adorned with magnificent Christmas scenes, 200 singers and a troupe of dancing elves.
So make a night of it with family and friends and experience this harkening of the Christmas spirit!
The Magical Christmas Caroling Truck is part of 12 Days of Holiday Cheer, two weeks of winter wonderment with 18 family holiday events scheduled through December 12. 12 Days of Holiday Cheer is presented by Downtown Burbank Partnership, the City of Burbank, Burbank Town Center and the Burbank Community YMCA.
Official Website:
Added by Burbank Events on December 6, 2011