310 E. 53rd Street
Anderson, Indiana 46013

Madison County Humane Society Volunteers

You are invited to the Madison County SPCA Humane Society Volunteer Recognition Meeting April 1, 2007, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

St. John's Lutheran Church
310 E. 53rd Street
Anderson, Indiana 46013

Please register by March 27th

Two ways to register:

email: humanesocietynews@hotmail.com or phone 779-4620

Include your name, phone number, type of volunteer service you perform, and how long you have been volunteering.

Come for the recognition of all your hard work, but also come to have fun and get to know your fellow volunteers.

Volunteers include: foster parents, people who work at fund raisers, people who assist in the Petsmart dog/cat program, people who come to the Humane Society to play with, groom, socialize the animals, or if you work for us in any other way.

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on March 15, 2007

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