This renowned Emmy-winning film. "Made In LA" focuses on 3 Latina sweatshop workers who find the courage to protest the unfair labor practices of the LA garment industry.
After the movie there will be a discussion of the complex and multi-layered questions about immigration, US standard of living, and today's business climate including the inclination of US-based companies to use cheap labor to compete with those who have outsourced.
This first in Portland showing is part of Portland Community College's Semana de la Raza annual showcase and festival of Latino culture, April 27-May 1, 2009 on the Rock Creek Campus
Added by skygypsy600 on April 8, 2009
The Semana Festival includes a whole week of events, on the theme Latinos, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. On Tuesday, April 28, at 10am, the PCC Illumination Project interactive theater and advocacy group will perform their newest play ICE. At 12pm, April 28, the crew of Papers, a locally made documentary on the Portland-raised children of undocumented workers will speak. On Wed,April 29, morning events will include Latin country showcases and Latin Beats dance performances starting at 10am.