943 N Broadway
Los Angeles, California 90012

Are you GAME?

Looking for true gamers for an Xbox Madden Tournament being held at the Grand Star Jazz Club in Chinatown October 13th..

Grand Prize pays $1,500.00 with prizes for 2nd place also...

This is Monday night so if you want to bring your friends and enjoy the Giants/Packers, there will be happy hour from 4-6 and plasma's on the walls.

$50.00 to register deadline 10/13. For registration, please email itspoliticsasusual@yahoo.com or call 213/985.6356.

Payments can be made via paypal with email address.

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/tournamentplayers

Added by missjoylloyd on September 29, 2008

Interested 1