Urban Space and the Madison Square Park Conservancy announce 'Mad. Sq. Mark't,' New York's newest upscale, outdoor market. The Market will include over 60 merchants selling local, hand-made and unique items (clothing, pottery, jewelry, kid-friendly products, home and gift accessories, etc.), as well as local chefs at "Food Square" at Worth Square featuring a variety of multi-ethnic foods (lobster rolls, dumplings, barbecue and Swedish pastries, etc.) and New York State farmers selling pumpkins, apple cider and harvest vegetables. Free festivities occurring in Madison Square Park during the Mark't include the Mad. Sq. Music: Studio Series concert on Saturday, October 10 with the Tao Rodriguez-Seeger Band, and the Mad. Sq. Kids Fest on Saturday, October 17.
Added by Upcoming Robot on October 13, 2009