Co-sponsored by 92.3FM
Howard, a fourth-generation family farmer in Montana for almost 40 years, speaks from a background of personal experience when he says that chemically based agricultural production methods today are unsustainable, and therefore ecologically disastrous.
Howard Lyman has brought the issue of the dangers of eating beef to light like never before. A former cattle rancher-turned-vegetarian and food safety activist, in 1996, Lyman revealed, to a national television audience, how the cattle industry potentially exposed Americans to Mad Cow Disease by feeding cows the remains of live animals - including other cows. As a result of his remarks, Lyman was named a co-defendant with Oprah Winfrey in the infamous "veggie libel" case brought by Texas ranchers in Amarillo.
"Mad cow disease is important today, not just as a deadly food-borne illness, but also as a powerful symbol of all that is wrong about the industrialization of farm animals." -- Eric Schlosser, author of "Fast Food Nation"
For more information, contact: Paul Haeder
at phaeder<@>
Official Website:
Added by marksimonds on October 20, 2006