11700 Princeton Pike
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

Santa Claus is coming to town! Giving the reindeer a little R&R, Santa will arrive on a shiny Macy’s motor coach to visit with children of all ages in Cincinnati. All are welcome to share in a few magical moments, as Jolly Ol’ St. Nick reminds everyone about the magic of the Christmas season.

Santa will arrive at Macy's Tri-County where Mayor Doyle H. Webster, City of Springdale will greet him and the Springdale Elementary Choir will sing. Santa and his elves will also stir up the spirit of the holidays by inviting everyone to drop a letter into the special Macy’s Believe Mail Box. Each deposited letter will result in a $1 donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, up to $1-million dollars.

But First, Santa and his elves will host a milk and cookies party for the Make-A-Wish children and their families in the Board Room of Macy's Head Quarters in Cincinnati where he will have a special reading of T’was the Night Before Christmas

More info here: http://pitch.pe/110190

Added by Olumide Yerokun on December 15, 2010