Every Mac user that travels to Macworld and attends the Steve Jobs keynote is usually alone. They start arriving at 12AM and sit alone with iPod earphones in the cold and usually rainy climate just for a chance to sit a few hundred yards away as Steve delivers his keynote broadcast to the world.
I created the pre-keynote meetup in 2005 to help you and your boredom toward the event. Here’s the plan.
We all meet at 4AM at the Apple Store on Stockton St., have some conversation and snap some photos commemorating the event (cause nothing sucks more than saying you were at Macworld and you don’t have one photo of yourself). From there, we walk over to the keynote line at Moscone center and now you’ve met some interesting people to make the time in line a lot easier to handle. There might even be some coffee and doughnuts for you lucky guys.
Last year, http://upcoming.org/event/46513/ , we had 10 individuals show up outside of the Apple Store at 4AM. After we each took some photos of this memorable event we walked down to the Moscone center and were probably 45th in line for the keynote.
Here’s the schedule
4AM: Apple Store @ Stockton St
4:30: Walk to Moscone to get in line and prepare for the Stevenote
5:30: I hope to have a ride to help me go get some doughnuts and coffee for the tired and shivering masses
If you have any questions, email me at macworld@dailytechtalk.com or check out all of our events at http://macworld.dailytechtalk.com
“DTT bringing the community back to the Macintosh!”
Official Website: http://macworld.dailytechtalk.com
Added by adamjackson1984 on October 22, 2006
This will be my First MacWorld and I figured I join you guys for the keynote
Awesome news carlos! Well i you have any questions please let me know! you can email me at macworld@dailytechtalk.com. There is a great article from macguys for first time MWSF atendees!
There's always the Spymac macworld meetup this year...
The spymac meetup is at 530PM on Wednesday the day after keynote.
i was just telin those watching the event about it
If you've got a DS, bring it and we can play head-to-head in line. Or Pictochat, if that's more your thing. ;-)
Haha! I personally despise games. I cant' get into them. I guess thats' why I'm a blogger. Anyway, I'm sure someone will have a portable game device (no an iPod is not a gaming device).
Woohoo, Sams gonna be there! Last year rocked! photos, coffee and doughnuts. Also, we got a great place in line! It will be cool to hang with you again