FREE to the Public
From 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Art Building, University of Hawaii, Manoa
(UH PDF map)
While Mactoberfest 2008 is a free and public event we ask that all attendees register so that we will know how much material to prepare for the day. Registrants will receive a name badge which will give them preferred seating for the main presentations in the Art Building amphitheater. Registrants will also receive additional door prize tickets. Submit a registration.
It will be a long day of fun and the University Campus Center food concessions will be closed. You can order lunch in advance so that you won’t have to find lunch off campus and miss out on exciting things. All selections are only $8. See the selections and order. (Important: Orders must be in by October 15.)
Flea Market and Exhibits
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Buy, sell or trade computer or camera gear. Tables are $25 for HMAUS members. Non-members may have a table for $50. There are only a very limited number of tables.
Reserve an exhibit table here.
8:30 to 9:15 — Keynote by Lorelle VanFossen
9:20 to 10:00 — Lorenz Sell, iLovePhotos
11:00 to 12:00 — Studio Artist by John Dalton, Synthetik Software
12:00 to 12:30 — HMAUS Annual Meeting and Election
12:45 to 2:15 — Panel Discussion with Lorelle, Burt, Ryan, Bob and Neenz
Exhibits and Clinics
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
iLovePhotos is free software for your Mac that helps you organize, share, and enjoy your photos based on the people who are in them.
Computer Fixit Clinic hosted by Edward Slavish
10:00 AM to Noon
Eddie and friends will help you free of charge with any problems you might be experiencing with your Macintosh or other Apple product. Bring whatever needs fixing and Ed’s mechanics will try to help you. Some times you learn a lot and other times you just pick up one tip that helps you enjoy your computer a little more. It is always worthwhile.
Door Prizes
1 iPhone 3G - HMAUS
10 WordPress shirts - Automattic
Assorted WordPress decals and pins - Automattic
2 flash drives - iLovePhotos
2 shirts - iLovePhotos
2 WordPress shirts - PodCamp Hawaii
2 flash drive - PodCamp Hawaii
The Hawaiii Macintosh & Apple Users’ Society (HMAUS), Professional Photographers of Hawaii (PPH) and University of Hawaii Outreach College team up each Spring and Fall to provide a day of technology and photography with presentations, workshops, a swap meet and door prizes.
For HMAUS information call Eugene at 735-0402
For PPH information call Terry at 479-5504
Official Website:
Added by JPhilipson on October 15, 2008