Calling ALL Macintosh Computers Users to a full day of Mac-related fun & learning that you just can't afford to miss. MacDayLA is the only event of its kind in Southern California, and features a full day of exactly what you've been looking for:
* Exciting hardware & software presentations by the people behind the products. No canned sales presentations. See interactive demonstrations of the latest innovations & cutting edge technology from top vendors and manufacturers.
* Table Topics: Expert-moderated discussions during breakfast & again at lunchtime. Choose from several pre-selected "table topics." Ask questions or just listen in.
* Tip Times: Top experts will present valuable tips & insights from their arsenal of knowledge.
* Question & Answer sessions with expert & audience participation. This is a great opportunity to get your questions answered.
* Visiting Vendors: a handful of vendors will be demonstrating & selling their wares onsite.
* Product Discounts: Get special MacDayLA prices on selected items.
* Apple & Mac-related News updates from people with a knowledgeable perspective.
* One-on-One conversations with manufactures & well-informed vendors. Provide feedback directly to manufacturers about the features you would like to see.
* Socialize with other Mac users, vendors & experts throughout the day.
* Circulate at will. No confining presentation sessions. You are free to quietly exit discussions at your convenience.
* Optional Instruction: Take comprehensive classes for just $99
* Prizes: Your attendance enters you into a drawing to win terrific Mac-related products. If you don't win your entry will be resubmitted in the next MacDayLA drawing. (You need to be present to win.)
Be the envy of your friends, save time, advance your career, and party with us all day & into the night.
Great food and low prices! Free Parking!
Go to for additional information on products, classes, presenters and experts.
$15 ($12 for MUG members).
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 6, 2008