2286 Cedar St.
Berkeley, California 94709

Has it really been 25 years that we've had the Mac platform? Is it really the same computer at the core that we use today, on Intel, with Mac OS X 10.5, as that little beige box that said "Hello" to us oh so long ago?

Join us for a classic-format BMUG meeting at Berkeley's historic Hillside Club, moderated by Raines and friends, with discussion, facilitated by some clips/previews of the new Mac documentaries "Welcome to Macintosh" and MacHEADS (note: this is NOT a full showing of either movie).

Bring your current tech questions, memories, stories of how BMUG helped you.

Free, open WiFi available onsite.

$20 suggested donation; net proceeds to benefit Alameda County Computer Resource Center (ACCRC); bring your old Mac if you're ready to show it off and let go of it for recycling.

Traditional "after the meeting dinner" afterwards (yes, they're still going on at 9:30 PM every Thursday, even though there hasn't been a thursday meeting in more than half a decade) at Taiwan Restaurant in downtown Berkeley (University just below Shattuck).

FaceBook users please also RSVP/link here:

Added by raines on January 26, 2009



You can also RSVP on LinkedIn:

Based on demand, we may provide some childcare space; let me know if interested.