Has it really been 25 years that we've had the Mac platform? Is it really the same computer at the core that we use today, on Intel, with Mac OS X 10.5, as that little beige box that said "Hello" to us oh so long ago?
Join us for a classic-format BMUG meeting at Berkeley's historic Hillside Club, moderated by Raines and friends, with discussion, facilitated by some clips/previews of the new Mac documentaries "Welcome to Macintosh" and MacHEADS (note: this is NOT a full showing of either movie).
Bring your current tech questions, memories, stories of how BMUG helped you.
Free, open WiFi available onsite.
$20 suggested donation; net proceeds to benefit Alameda County Computer Resource Center (ACCRC); bring your old Mac if you're ready to show it off and let go of it for recycling.
Traditional "after the meeting dinner" afterwards (yes, they're still going on at 9:30 PM every Thursday, even though there hasn't been a thursday meeting in more than half a decade) at Taiwan Restaurant in downtown Berkeley (University just below Shattuck).
FaceBook users please also RSVP/link here:
Added by raines on January 26, 2009
You can also RSVP on LinkedIn:
Based on demand, we may provide some childcare space; let me know if interested.