Footprints would start with an inaugral by Mr. Paruthi Ilamvazhuthi, Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Tamil Nadu. This will be followed by the Young Communicators award. This year's awardees are Benny Dayal, well-known playback singer and Suchitra, singer and former radio jockey. Then, the sessions, related to this year's Footprints, would start. Each session has a panel of speakers who are well-known in their respective fields.
The themes for this year's Footprints, Chennai are :
Green Battle - This is the first session, where the speakers would talk about the current environmental situation and what we can do to help. The speakers for this session are:
M.B. Nirmal, Exnora
Supraja Dharini, Founder, The Tree Foundation
Emergence of New Media - This session would talk about how new media is taking everyone by storm. The speakers for this session are:
Kiruba Shankar, Blogger
Prashant, Idea Spice
Rajesh, Web Content Developer
Shyam, Radio Shyam (an Internet radio station)
Pradeep, Rage Communication
Other than these sessions, there would be contests for the audience.
Official Website:
Added by amritha3377 on October 20, 2009