A Comedy by Aristophanes World Premiere Adaptation by Lou Clark Directed by Hal Simons In this hilarious Ancient Greek battle of the sexes led by the title character, Lysistrata, the story's female characters barricade the public funds building and withhold sex from their husbands to end the Peloponnesian War and secure peace. The play, originally performed at the Festival of Dionysus in 411BC, has been performed to enthusiastic audiences for centuries all over the world. Lou Clark, recent graduate of UNMs MFA Dramatic Writing Program and Kennedy Center Award Winning Playwright, offers Albuquerque audiences a new twist on this age-old crowd pleaser. Cost: 22.00 Adults / 20.00 Seniors / 18.00 Students / 10.00 Children 1-12 years old Group rates available, please contact the box office 242-4750 Student Rush: 1/2 hour before curtain all available seats are released to Students / Faculty for $10.00
Added by Upcoming Robot on March 23, 2009