167 Orchard St
New York, New York 10002

Because we have deemed it necessary and appropriate, LVHRD will hold additional MCFGHT II auditions on Tuesday, May 8th at Seth Herzog’s weekly comedy show, Sweet at the Slipper Room.

The karaoke auditions will begin around 8:30pm as a part of Mr. Herzog’s show and last until the courageous have exhausted themselves.

You may RSVP by replying to this post, or simply show up on Tuesday, May 8th at the Slipper Room and step forward from the audience to sing your heart out for the LVHRD judges.

If you miss this chance to try out for MCFGHT II, the second round of auditions will be one week later on Tuesday, May 15th.

MCFGHT II Auditions (Round One)
w/ Seth Herzog at Sweet
Slipper Room
Tuesday, May 8th
167 Orchard St.

Official Website: http://www.lvhrd.org/index.php/2007/05/01/additional-mcfght-ii-auditions-tuesday-may-8th/

Added by settlement heart on May 1, 2007

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