Has you child been eating the same PB and J lunch for the whole school year? Sometimes you can never tell just what to pack your child for lunch, especially if they are a picky eater. Join the Children’s Museum for great tips on preparing your child’s lunch and how to pack it with nutrition for their growing minds and bodies. Not only will you learn new ways to pack their lunch with great food but you’ll also learn how to do it in a “greener” way. Helping the environment and your child sounds great to us and we are glad to be here!
This family topics workshop, Lunches That Your Child Will LOVE To Eat, will be held Thursday, October 16 at 6:30 –8pm. Melissa Gilman will present this event and is a professional nutritionist from Hannaford Supermarkets. The cost is $5 per workshop. Pre-registration is required and space is limited.
The Museum is located in the Old Fire Station on Sullivan Avenue in North Easton Village. For more information call The Children's Museum in Easton at (508) 230-3789 or check our website, www.childrensmuseumineaston.org
Official Website: http://www.childrensmuseumineaston.org
Added by cme417 on October 10, 2008