Pork Chops, Potatoes, Gravy, Bread, Veggies, Salad, Dessert.
Public is WELCOME to join us for Lunch Mon-Fri from 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm.
Lunch is served cafeteria Style. Great Food, Great Company.
The TFSCCC do not discriminate against, Age, Gender, Religion, or Race.
Open to All Ages.
Please feel free to come and join us.
AGE 60 & Older: Suggested Donation of $4.50
Age 59 and under: $5.50
Age 12 & under: $2.50
For further info, call 734-5084
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Twin-Falls-ID/Twin-Falls-Senior-Citizen-Center-Community-Center/89016068786?ref=nf
Added by Marcio Padilha on June 30, 2009