1100 North Mathilda Ave
Sunnyvale, California 94089

This is a "ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES and let's get to work" seminar.

We will have 6 Experts who will each give Tips, Tricks & Tactics that you can take and apply to your business, website, online store or your social media presence immediately. Each speaker will talk for 45 minutes with a 15 minute "Ask the Expert" Q & A.

This 5 hour seminar is designed for the Intermediate person who has some experience with updating their own website, that is a Do It Yourselfer for your own SoMe stratgey and organic rankings, you are familar with Article Publishing, Blogging and you are active on Facebook, Biznik, You Tube, My Space, and/or Twitter. If these are all new concepts to you, this class may not be right for you.

Start time on 8/17 is 10 a.m. and we will wrap up at 3:30. First speaker is up at 10:15 a.m.

Please feel free to bring your laptop, but you MUST also bring your own Internet Connection. Otherwise, prepare to learn a lot and take alot of notes. Each speaker will give you a hand out with their 3 - 5 Tips for their area of expertise and their company information.

These are the topics we will be covering:

Social Media Strategy for your Business

Search Engine Optimization - Organic Rankings for your website, online store, blog

Pump Up Your Blog - You have one. Now what? How to take your blog to the next level.

How to dramatically reduce the amount of time spent leveraging social media

Bonus after the workshop: Informal Google Analytics discussion from 3:30 - 4:30

How to Generate Business or set yourself apart as an Industry Expert using Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, Craigslist, Article Publishing and other Social Media sites.

Informal Networking before and after.

Everyone in the room will have 15 seconds to stand up, say their name and brief description of their business. Please bring lots of business cards or brochures from your business. We will have a table where you can put your cards and brochures.

A very simple sandwich lunch will be served. Iced tea, lemonade and water will be served all day. We will have a cofffee and cookie break at 1:30pm. (If you have special dietary needs, please be flexible or bring some goodies of your own in case you are not wild about the selection.)

TOPICS & SPEAKERS. (In no particular order.)

Patrick Schwerdtfeger http://www.TacticalExecution.com
Author of "Webify Your Business, Internet Marketing Secrets for the

Tel: 510-282-4115

Topic 1: 3 Easy Ways to Attract Targeted Website Visitors for Free

Over 98% of websites get fewer than 5 visitors each day. Attracting high-quality website visitors doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With a little direction, you can accumulate strategic one-way inbound links and watch the targeted traffic pour in! In this workshop, you’ll learn 3 simple strategies you can use immediately …and they won’t cost you a penny.

Janet Fouts

Social Media Coach-Tatu Digital Media

Author- Social Social Media Success!

Topic 2: Finding the right networks and tools to reach your goals through social media

You need to understand where your customers are and the right tools for the way you want to engage them. Learn the nuts and bolts of how to find the people you want to engage, identify the networks and tools that will work for what you want to achieve and how you can use resources you may already have to engage those users in a conversation and develop long term relationships that will help grow your business.


Twitter- @jfouts
Skype janet.fouts

Andi Fisher

Tel: 510-316-3730

Topic 3: Blogging 101/102: Why you need a blog and if you have one, WHAT NOW?

How to Gain Traffic to your Blog and how to tactics for PUMPING up your blog for

humans and search engines.

Andi Fisher, Your Online Go To Gal


Yvonne Ohumukini Urness
Social Media Strategist & Relationship Marketing Professional
Owner, YouConnected
Phone: (408) 371-0511
Email: Yvonne@You-Connected.com
Website/Blog: www.You-Connected.com

Topic 4: Putting It All Together – Your Social Media Strategy
Yvonne Urness, Social Media Coach & Strategist, YouConnected
The #1 challenge and fear around using social media is time.
In this session, you will learn
· How to quickly create or expand a presence on each of the “Big Three”
· How to dramatically reduce the amount of time spent leveraging social media

Topic 5: Twitter Jumpstart For Businesses

Adam Helweh
Secret Sushi Creative - Deliciously Creative Design & Marketing

General: (408) 786-9556
Direct: (408) 625-0637
Email: Adam@Secretsushi.com
Website: www.secretsushi.com

You will learn:

How to pump up your Twitter presence and see examples of how businesses

are currently utilizing it

How to create an outstanding Twitter profile for your brand/business

4 Quick ways to get started connecting with customers, partners, and others of interest

Topic 6: Bonus from 3:30 to 4:30. If you would like to stay the extra hour, we will have an informal, hour-long discussion about Google Analytics. GA is a free piece of code from Google that you can add to your sites and blogs to help track the effectiveness of your social media efforts. Massimo Paolini has offered to discuss the following:

Now that you are using Social Media as a marketing tool, how do you know if it's working? Is your blog, Facebook page, or Twittering most effective? How do these efforts compare to your radio ad, or Google Adword campaign? Are you driving more people to your site through Social and traditional Media but not seeing a difference in sales or leads? And when they do arrive to your webpage, what are your visitors looking for? Do they find it? Discover that everything you need to answer these questions is right at your fingertips.

Massimo Paolini
MPThree Consulting Inc.
Capitalizing the web through real intelligence.

Official Website: http://somebootcamp-adambootcamp.eventbrite.com/

Added by kenyeung on July 14, 2009

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