475 Brannan Street
San Francisco, California 94107

Hello everyone. Powerset would like you to eat lunch with us.

WHO: Everyone. Including Ruby geeks, coders, IT pros, summer interns, entrepreneurs, and marketers from around San Francisco.
WHAT: get together and enjoy a little social break in the middle of the day before returning to crank out the next big thing!
WHERE: 475 Brannan St, SF, CA
WHEN: Thu, August 9. 11:30-1:30PM
RSVP: Limited spots available. RSVP while you can at Upcoming.org. It’s free.

Not able to attend the event? Sign-up for Powerlabs to gain early access to Powerset product demonstrations. http://labs.powerset.com/

About Powerset:
Powerset is a SF company building a transformative consumer search engine based on natural language processing. During this event, we'll be:
• Feeding you BBQ with vegetarian options
• Demoing our main search product and introducing a couple product mashups

Neal Mueller, neal [at] powerset *dot* com

Official Website: http://labs.powerset.com/