One Hermann Circle Dr.
Houston, Texas 77030

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 17, 2008


Long Now


Just so you all know, we are moving the start time of up to NOON tomorrow (Sat) in response to the amount of press and interest. This gives everyone 8 hours to complete their crawl. (however the bike valet will not be open at Pier 45 until 2pm)

Keep your ticket with you - it is your pass to all locations!

If you don't have tickets yet you will need to start your crawl at either Long Now or Pier 45 to pick up your tickets.

You can download and print a map page with all the info you will need for the day HERE:

If you are a Twitter user you can get updates following user name: longnow for on the fly updates of demos, bottlenecks or lines.

Also if you have an iPhone, you can navigate to to get a customized iPhone app to guide you through the day that is super spiffy...