a. Drawings will be held on Saturday July 4, 2009 at 12PM, 12:30PM, 1PM, 1:30PM, 2PM 2:30PM, 3PM 3:30PM, 4M, 4:30PM, 5PM, 5:30PM, 6PM 6:30PM, 7PM.
b. When selecting a winner, Players Club will use the “carded players” feature in Oasis for the random drawing as this will include ALL carded machines, in use or not.
c. Customers with their Players Club card properly inserted in a Slot Machine are eligible to be drawn every half hour beginning at 12PM, last drawing at 7PM. Customers seated at the randomly selected machines are Lucky Duck Slot Hot Seat winners. Lucky Duck Slot Hot Seat winners will receive cash prizes, paid by voucher for $74.
d. Lucky Duck winners can only win once if the random drawing chooses some one who has already won a new random winner will be drawn.
e. Customers who are present at a machine immediately to the left and /or right of a Lucky Duck Slot Hot Seat winner will also win a voucher for a $74 “Lucky Buddy Prize” Customers must be present, at the time when the initial Lucky Duck Slot Hot Seat winner is selected in order to win a “Lucky Buddy Prize”.
f. Lucky Duck Winners will also receive a Duck that will have A Symbol on it (there will be five different symbols x 3 each to total fifteen ducks).
g. A Pool of water will be at the South Entrance and will have Thirty Ducks with symbols( Five Symbols x 6each to make a total of 30 ducks) in the pool following the 7PM Hour. The Pool of Water will be kept on Surveillance during the promotion period.
h. The 15 Previous Lucky Ducks winners will have a chance to win an additional $749 following the 7PM Hour.
i. Each Previous Lucky Duck winner (in order that they were drawn) will be called to the South Entrance for the chance to pick a duck with a symbol that matches the symbol on the duck they won.
j. Lucky Duck Winners will be given three chances to pick from the Pool of Ducks to match the Symbol on the Bottom of their Duck.
k. If winner fails to come within three minutes the next winner will be called and given the same three minutes chance no other chances will be given.
l. If the symbol on the Duck drawn by the Lucky Duck Winner matches an additional $749 will be paid by voucher. Winners will get to keep both Ducks
m. If the Lucky Duck winners fail to draw a Duck with the correct symbol 2009 points will be added to their Mountains of Money Players Club account in place of the $749.
n. Additionally, customers will Receive Triple points 7PM to 11PM on July 4, 2009.
o. Points can be redeemed at Players Club or used at our point-of-sale locations in the casino.
2. What are the Prizes: Lucky Duck Slot Hot Seat winners will receive $74. Lucky Buddy will also receive $74, Triple Points. Plus, Fifteen possible $749 Grand prize winners (maximum of$14,565cash).
3. Who pays out the prizes: A Players Club Representative will award the prize and document the name of the winner and the amount on the monthly prize log.
4. Restrictions:
Must be present at the machine drawn to win
Must be a Players Club member to receive a prize
Must be 21 or older to participate
Acceptable ID is required to claim prize
Prize is Void after 24Hours
Employees of the Mazatzal Hotel and Casino are NOT eligible to win.
Immediate family of the Mountains of Money Players Club and the Marketing Department are also not eligible to win.
5. Miscellaneous:
Mazatzal Hotel and Casino reserves all rights to alter or cancel any promotion.
Management will resolve all disputes. If it can not be resolved it will be referred to the Tribal Gaming Office
For anyone needing help with a gambling problem, please call 1-800-NEXT-STEP.
Winnings valued at $600 or more in a year are subject to issuance of a 1099.
Added by enchanted_occasion on June 16, 2009