Jim Zimbelman
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies
National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution (40th Anniversary Seminar Series Speaker)
Precision Topography Applied to Problems in Planetary Geomorphology
The steady improvement in the resolution and precision of imaging and topographic data for the terrestrial planets has created an increased need for field topographic measurements of a variety of landforms. Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) data have proved to be quite useful in obtaining precise information about the shape and relief of landforms such as lava flows, sand dunes, and paleo-shorelines. This seminar will review how DGPS data are collected and documented for such features, supplemented by other techniques for obtaining detailed topography along short (<10 m) transects, and their potential for improving geologic interpretations of spacecraft data.
Official Website: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/lpi/seminars/
Added by kittell on June 1, 2008