916 G Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia

Happenstance Theater presents
an original theater piece that resembles a poet's Coney Island scrapbook Souvenir
starring Mark Jaster, Sabrina Mandell, and Scott Sedar

Friday, July 20th at 4pm
Saturday, July 21 st at 7pm
Sunday, July 22nd at 2pm

at The Mead Theater Lab
916 G Street, NW

LOW TIDE HOTEL is a DADA day at the beach…flotsam and jetsam coming ashore. It is a nostalgic postcard, a surrealist voyage through maritime atmospheres. The message in the bottle is poetry. The waves roll away and comedy looks up like a clam.
The show's aesthetic conjures the days of ocean travel on ships, drawing inspiration from antique maritime documents, luggage labels, posters, literature and song.

There will also be delicious Salt Water Taffy and Souvenirs for sale before each performance. Step right up...lookie, lookie, lookie!

by phone 1.866.811.4111
online http://www.theatermania.com/content/show.cfm/show/134263
fringe box office 507 7th Street, NW

Presented as part of the 2nd annual Capital Fringe Festival - July 19 - 29, 2007
For more information visit www.capfringe.org

"May your path be strewn with roses"

Official Website: http://www.theatermania.com/content/show.cfm/show/134263

Added by Happenstance on June 29, 2007

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