Montreal, Québec

For more information, please contact our sales office:
+1 323-836-0150 x110

Lead by LS Instructors: Future & Tenmagnet & Cajun

We know why you're here. We know you're seeking a change. We know you want a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE with the best and the brightest in the field of pickup, the kind that clicks in your head and brings you lasting positive changes. It's the kind of stuff that will be with you forever. This kind of training comes not from just anybody, but from highly-trained Love Systems Master Instructors.

PUA, Pickup Artist, The Game, Dating Science, Mystery Method Corporation, dating, sex, comfort, seduction, the game, Neil Strauss, meet women, magic bullets

Official Website:

Added by lovesystems6464 on June 16, 2009

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