Join me & my homeboy Skeeter J to celebrate our Birthday Event / The Golden Coalition (aka The NFL Takeover). This will be a exclusive event held on the entire 3rd floor of Love. An eclectic mix of celebrities, and DC's elite party
goers including Bryan Westbrook, Vernon Davis, Shawne Merriman, Ray
Lewis, Willis McGahee, Brendan Haywood, and Carlos Rodgers to name a
few. Jim Jones will perform live to kick of the biggest event of 2008.
To be added to the D:V::E::: guest list e-mail all FIRST AND LAST
name additions to Skeeter at by 3:00 P.M. April 18th. Be
sure to put "Skeeter J B-Day" in your subject line. If you do not receive confirmation e-mail you will not be on the list.
Added by PCarry on April 17, 2008