224 Richmond Street West
Toronto, Ontario

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 7:30PM
Yuk Yuk's, 224 Richmond St., West
Tickets: $30 (includes a copy of Love, Lust & Faking It)
For Tickets, call 416-967-6425
With the trademark humor that has earned McCarthy her reputation as the laughing man's sex goddess, the former Playboy model turned television star lends her irreverence and intelligence to three fundamental components of happiness: love, lust and faking it. No subject is too intimate for McCarthy, who weighs in on everything from boob jobs and dating to oral sex and threesomes.
Following her stage appearance, McCarthy will be available to autograph audience copies of Love, Lust & Faking It.
Jenny McCarthy: Actress, author and "Mother Warrior" in the world of autism, Jenny McCarthy is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Belly Laughs, Baby Laughs, and Louder Than Words, among others. The former host of MTV's hugely popular dating show, Singled Out, McCarthy began her career as a Playboy magazine model before launching a high-profile comedic television and film career. Born in Chicago, McCarthy currently resides in Los Angeles, California, and with her son, Evan.
Cameras are invited to attend the first 5 minutes of the performance to capture footage for news purposes. Please note, all cameras must confirm their attendance by Tuesday, October 19 at 3PM
Contact: Meghan Paton, Publicity Assistant
416-975-9334 X165/

Added by donnanicholls48 on October 14, 2010