4949 Cherry St
Kansas City, Missouri 64110

"Try just a little bit harder." No other words could as aptly describe the life of rock and roll legend Janis Joplin. Her strong spirit and commanding music will explode onto the Rep's brand new downtown stage in this musical tribute to a '60s icon who lived hard and died young. Based upon letters to her family and actual press interviews, this powerful biography takes you into the mind of the superstar. Her passion and energy became the voice for a generation that was fervent, idealistic, confused and eager for change. Forty years later her music is still so powerful and full of drive that you won't need to be a Joplin fan to see why the 'New York Post' said 'Love, Janis' is "an enormously crowd-pleasing hit." This show contains strong language, sexual references and drug abuse.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 8, 2008