When is it:
This Friday @ 10:00 PM
Where is it:
LOVE Nightclub
1350 Okie Street
NE Washington DC 20002
How much is it:
FREE until 12 MIDNIGHT only as a guest of D:V::E:::
OPEN BAR from 10 – 11 pm
Join D:V::E::: in conjunction with Marc & Taz, TreWell, & BJ as we bring you Caron Butler's "Miss March" Birthday edition of Sophistication Redefined @ LOVE this Friday. Join us early for our OPEN BAR from 10:00 to 11:00 PM. Also be sure to join us after 12:30 for FREE shots of Belve (while they last) in our plush 3rd floor pool table lounge only as a guest of D:V::E:::.
To be added to the D:V::E::: guest list e-mail all FIRST & LAST name additions as well as a e-mail address for each guest to: S.Jones@DejaDirect.com by 4:00 PM this & every Friday.
**Dress To Impress Attire Required!!**
**21 & UP**
Abre Tus Oidos -- D:V::E:::
Official Website: http://www.dejadirect.com
Added by D:V::E::: on March 9, 2009